Monday, October 19, 2009


Things I have done in the past 48 hours:

- Drove to Oklahoma and back late at night
- Ate about 2,000 more calories than I usually do
- Had a heart-to-heart with Natalie over ice cream at Sonic
- Went to the symphony
- Realized how much I love Texas when crossing back over the border
- Thew up twice
- Woke up past noon
- Said “never again” repeatedly
- Apologized for being awkward repeatedly
- Learned what Mongolia’s flag looks like
- Got a quote on a flight to Bangladesh!
- Remembered the greatness of stepping stones...literally
- Learned how to say “good morning” and “Finland is a wonderful country!” in Finnish
- Met people I will never forget
- Watched two soccer games
- Avoided oranges for four consecutive days
- Said "Never again" repeatedly
- Danced and sang while Swiffering
- Apologized for being awkward repeatedly
- Changed the lyrics of the SNL Natalie Portman skit
- Danced on a lawn in front of the entire school
- Megaboxed with Hannah
- Met people I will never forget
- Danced in front of the entire school
- Shared the love
- Laughed out loud at text messages sent and received
- Saw someone who is supposed to be in Spain
- Learned how to say "good morning" in Finnish
- Read the Bible
- Skipped meals
- Cried while editing my creative writing midterm
- Cried hysterically
- Laughed hysterically
- Played IM football and enjoyed it a lot!
- Skipped meals

"Live like there's no tomorrow, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like nobody's watching."
- Mark Twain

